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“a luddite” – Ethos

Jesse Owens is “a luddite”

He is, in fact, “21st Century Luddite Man.” *

Mixing a passion for hard physical labour with a healthy questioning of modern big-tech and validating a slowing world being fun, good and necessary. Enjoying the work ethic of his Welsh chapel parents, Francis Owens, known by his nickname “Jesse” since his first form Campden Grammar school days, is the epitome of a luddite, through his love for the fundamental philosophies of old world traditionalism.

However, not without serious introspection, as befits a former 80’s “yuppy.” One of “Thatcher’s Children,” complete with Filofax and 4500x.

Currently his soul-searching is driven by interrogating fashionable mantras of the alleged political establishment.

This includes the ecological cosa nostra with its climate change doom-mongering and lauding of sustainable energy, despite its lack of cost consciousness and rationale.  Dissecting the curse of political correctness. Mobilising the great unwashed, the deplorables and irredeemables  against the thought police and cancel culture.

Basically and expressly, not liquidating the Ministry of Silly Walks but demonstrating the futility of extremist theory posing as mainstream political philosophy and policy.

*with acknowledgements to Robert (Bob) Fripp, Michael Giles, Greg Lake, Ian McDonald composers and Peter Sinfield lyricist of King Crimson’s track – “21st Century Schizoid Man” on their 1969 debut album “In the Court of the Crimson King.”